Apollo Tyres New Delhi Marathon – 2026 Registration & 2025 Results

afli new delhi marathon
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New Delhi, India TBD Registration not yet open

Sponsored by Apollo Tyres and organized by NEB Sports, the Apollo Tyres New Delhi Marathon, is one of the foremost names in full marathons offered in the capital city. Held since 2016, it has not missed even one edition and has had live events (with limited runners) even in 2020, 2021 and 2022. The race was earlier sponsored by Ageas Federal Life Insurance (AFLI)

It is an AIMS-certified course and the event offers 4 categories of races –Full Marathon (42.2km), Half Marathon (21.1km), 10K run, and a 5K run.

With cool weather, wide roads, and a relatively flat route, it is an ideal race to get your PBs and qualify for international races. Starting at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium and taking the runners through key city historical landmarks, it is a race looked forward to by not only local & national runners but by and international athletes as well.

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Apollo Tyres New Delhi Marathon

Race Categories, Dates, Registration, Eligibility & Fees

Marathon Half Marathon 10K 5K
Distance 42.2km 21.1km 10km 5km
Start Time * 4:15 am^ 6:15 am 7:45 am 8:30 am
Eligibility Criterion *  18 years & above 18 years & above 14 years & above 10 years & above
Fees – Early Bird * INR 2950 (+taxes) INR 2360 (+ taxes) INR 1475 (+ taxes) INR 826 (+ taxes)
Fees – Regular * INR 4000 (+taxes) INR 2750 (+taxes) INR 2000 (+taxes) INR 1000 (+taxes)
Registration Registration not yet open Registration not yet open Registration not yet open Registration not yet open
Expo Details *  The Expo Venue for 2025 event was at Gate no. 1, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi

*Details of Eligibility, Registration fees, Race Start time, Expo details, etc. for the Apollo Tyres New Delhi Marathon 2026 have not yet been released. Above are details from the 2025 race event for reference.
^ Elite Women marathon starts at 4:15am and Elite Men marathon Starts at 5:00am

Route/Course Map

Information about Route Map and other details for Apollo Tyres New Delhi Marathon 2026 is not yet available but below are details from the 2025 edition.    

The Apollo Tyres New Delhi Marathon route has an OUT & BACK course with the below mentioned Start and Finish points:

Start Point Finish Point
Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Pragati Vihar, New Delhi Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Pragati Vihar, New Delhi

Prize Money

Details about Prize money for Apollo Tyres New Delhi Marathon 2026 is not yet available but below are details from the 2025 edition.  All prizes are equal for men and women categories

1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize 4th Prize 5th Prize
Elite INR 200,000 INR 100,000 INR 50,000 INR 30,000 INR 30,000
Each age group INR 10,000 INR 7,500 INR 5,000
Half Marathon
Fastest INR 50,000 INR 37,500 INR 25,000
Each age group INR 7,500 INR 5,000 INR 3,000
Fastest INR 20,000 INR 15,000 INR 10,000

2025 and Earlier Edition Results


Important Points

  1. Registration Fee is non-refundable & registrations are non-transferable.
  2. In the case of event cancellation, a full refund would be done. In case of event postponement, runner can transfer registration to friends/family or other NEB events. In case of cancellation for personal reasons, no refund would be done.
  3. For a change in category, transfer of registration to another race, or cancellation credit note, a fee of INR 200 would be charged. Transfer of registration or cancellation requests would be not accepted 20 days prior to race day.
  4. The participant should upload a valid and legible photo ID Card (Aadhaar / Driving License / PAN / Voter ID Card / Passport) during registration.
  5. Water, energy drinks, and other refreshments would be available on the route/course. Water and refreshments are available to all runners post-race finish.
  6. Medical and washroom facilities would also be available on the route/course as well at the start point/ finish line of the race.
  7. Limited parking facility available near the venue.
  8. Time limits are applicable for the below races after which the course would be open for regular vehicular traffic.
    • Full Marathon: 6 hrs
    • Half Marathon: 3 hrs

Contact Information
Address: NEB Sports, Classic Court,9/3 Richmond Road, Bangalore-560 025
Phone: +91 9206265087 / 8150944084 (10:00am – 5:00pm)
Email: support@newdelhimarathon.com, contact@nebsports.in
Website: www.newdelhimarathon.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ndelhimarathon
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/newdelhimarathon/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ageasfed_newdelhimarathon

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  1. Your 42 km Marathon cut off time should be 7 hours , instead of 6 hours., in line with the Niagra Falls , Chicago and New York marathons.

    1. Hi Ranjith,

      The cut-off timings are provided by the organizers and are from the last live event in 2022. A lot of considerations like traffic and permissions received from local government bodies go into deciding the time limits. In case there are changes to the cut off timings for 2023 race, we will update it.

      1. Thank you Sir , for your speedy reply. You should give walkers and old folks like us to do the full marathon,

        Thank you RANJITH

  2. The age category at the top end seems unfair to senior citizens. Generally it is divided like up to 60 year, and after sixty some do every five years or 10 years. In fact the current categorisation appears a deterrent for senior citizens. Request you to kindly bring it in line with others like VDHM or Tata Mumbai marathon.

  3. Hello,

    I want to take a one Registration in Marathon. I request you to, Please support it. Online registration has been closed.

    Please suggest me how to registration in offline.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Praveen Aggarwal

    1. Hi Praveen,

      Please contact the organizers directly through email support@newdelhimarathom.com OR mobile +91 9206265087 and check with them if they can accommodate your request against any last minute cancellation. You can also visit the Expo on 23rd/ 24th February (at JLN stadium, N. Delhi) to check whether any offline registrations are available


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