Tokyo Marathon – 2026 Registration & 2025 Results

tokyo marathon
marker calendar-2 quaterly-1
Tokyo, Japan March 1, 2026 Registration not yet open

Organized by the Tokyo Marathon Foundation and managed by the Tokyo Athletics Association, the Tokyo Marathon is an annual marathon held in Tokyo, the capital of Japan.

Since it is an IAAF Gold Label marathon and one of the six World Marathon Majors, the applications far outnumber the actual race slots – sometimes even 10-11 times.

The Tokyo Marathon serves as a qualification race for Japan Marathon Championship Series, Japan Qualifying Marathon Trial for the World Athletics Championship (Oregon), Japan Qualifying Marathon Trial for the Asian Games (Hangzhou), Marathon Grand Championship, and Abbot World Marathon Majors Series.

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Tokyo Marathon

Race Categories, Dates, Registration, Eligibility & Fees

Marathon 10K
Distance 42.2km 10.7km
Start Time * 9:05 am (Wheelchair)
9:10 am (General)
9:05 am (Wheelchair)
9:10 am (General)
Finish Time * 11:15 am (Wheelchair)
4:10 pm (General)
9:45 am (Wheelchair)
11:10 am (General)
Eligibility Criterion * 19 years & above 16 years & above

Other criterion */#

(Any one criterion)

1. General
2. Semi-Elite Athletes
3. Elite Athletes
4. General Wheelchair ^^
5. Elite Wheelchair ^^
1. Juniors/ Youth
2. Visually impaired
3. Intellectually challenged
4. Organ Transplant recipients
5. Wheelchair impaired  ^^
Fees – Japan Residents */** JPY 16,500 JPY 5,600
Fees- Oversees */** USD 160 USD 60
Registration */@ Registration not yet open Registration not yet open
Expo Details * The Expo Venue for 2025 event was at Tokyo Big Sight South Exhibition Halls, 3-11-1 Ariake, Koto, Tokyo, Japan

*Details of Eligibility, Registration fees, Race Start time, Expo details, etc. for the Tokyo Marathon 2026 have not yet been released. Above are details from the 2025 race event for reference.
** Entry, handling and tax included. From this race, payment by overseas runners will be made in US dollars.

^^ Racing wheelchair requirements are specified in the latest “Rules and Regulations” applicable to the event day set by the World Para Athletics.

# Criterion: In addition to the age criterion, participants need to fulfill one of the below-mentioned criteria.

For Marathon:

  • General: Capable of completing the race within 6 hours and 30 minutes.
  • Semi-Elite Athletes: Those who satisfy the requirements set forth by the “RUN as ONE – Tokyo Marathon”.
  • Elite Athletes: Those registered with the JAAF & satisfy the special requirements set forth by the JAA or national and international runners nominated/invited by the organizer and/or the JAAF.
  • General Wheelchair: Capable of completing the race within 2 hours and 10 minutes using a racing wheelchair.
  • Elite Wheelchair: Those registered with the JPA & the IPC OR are in the sports classes T53 – 54 of World Para Athletics Classification and has Class Status R / C OR hold the following record in the tournament of the World Para Athletics certified races – 1 hour and 50 minutes or under (Men) & 2 hours or under (Women) OR are national and international athletes nominated/invited by the organizer and/or the JPA.

For 10K:

  • Juniors/ Youth: Runners aged 16 -18 years capable of finishing the run in 1hr 45 min.
  • Visually impaired: Runners aged 16 years & above capable of finishing the run in 1hr 45 min.
  • Intellectually challenged: Runners aged 16 years & above are capable of finishing the run in 1hr 45 min.
  • Organ transplant recipients: Runners aged 16 years & above capable of finishing the run in 1hr 45 min.
  • Wheelchair participants: Runners aged 16 years & above capable of finishing the run in 40 min in racing wheelchair.

@ Entry Methods: There are multiple ways to gain entry to Tokyo Marathon:

  • ONE TOKYO Premium Member Entry
  • General entry
  • Charity entry
  • RUN as ONE (Semi Elite) entry

Selection of applicants:
1. Once the entry exceeds the field size, the entry will be chosen by random drawing (ONE TOKYO Premium Member Entry, Tokyo Resident Entry, and the General Entry) and result will be announced through “My Entry”*.
2. All entrants, including the Tokyo Marathon deferred entry, must pay the event fee and other required amount before the deadline.
3. If the spot open after the selection, the additional draw will be conducted for “ONE TOKYO Premium Members”

Route/Course Map

Information about Route Map for Tokyo Marathon 2026 is not yet available. Below are details from the 2025 event for reference 

The Tokyo Marathon routes are POINT TO POINT courses with the below-mentioned Start and Finish points:

Start Point Finish Point
Marathon Tokyo Metropolitan Government building in Shinjuku, Tokyo Tokyo Station/Gyoko-dori Ave (near the Imperial Palace), Tokyo
10K Tokyo Metropolitan Government building in Shinjuku, Tokyo Nihombashi

Prize Money

Information about awards for Tokyo Marathon 2026 not yet available. Please check the information from the earlier events below. All prizes are equal for men and women categories


    • Overall: Top 5 male and female
    • Wheelchair: Top 5 male and female
Open Division Wheelchair Division
1st prize $50,000 $50,000
2nd Prize $25,000 $25,000
3rd Prize $12,500 $12,500
4th Prize $7,500 $7,500
5th Prize $5,000 $5,000

In addition to above the following would also be awarded

  • RUN as ONE: Tokyo Marathon “Wild Card Award”: Semi-elite Top 3 male and female
  • Next Generation Athlete Award: Top male and female Inter-University Athletics Union of Japan

* All awards for the above category are based on gun (gross) time record.


  • Junior & Youth, wheelchair, visually impaired, intellectually challenged, the organ-transplant recipient: Top 3 male and female from each category.

All prizes are equal for men’s and women’s categories.

2025 and Earlier Edition Results/Photos



Important Points

  • Race day necessities: Reservation QR code, Smartphone with health management app, Photo ID, OCR test sample, and bib confirmation.
  • Pacers: Pace setters would be available
  • Records:
    • For marathon
      • Elite, Wheelchair Elite, and Semi-elite will start at gun time and the record will be based on gun time.
      • Records of the other entrants will be based on net time
    • For 10km (10.7km)
      • 10km (10.7km) and Wheelchair 10km (10.7km) will all be based on net time
  • Refreshments: Starting at 5km, Water would be available every 2-3 km while isotonic sports drinks would be available every 5km. Food such as bananas, bread, and sweets are available after the 22km mark. Water and refreshments are available to all runners post-race finish.
  • Other facilities: Medical and washroom facilities would also be available on the route/course as well at the start point/finish line of the race.
  • Bag-checking service will be available for a fee . This fee can be added to the entry fee on request.
  • Time limits: The cut-off times are all base on gun (gross) time, regardless of the participants’ start time. The cut-off time is enforced at each checkpoint due to reasons of traffic control, security, and event operation and runners who fail to pass through the checkpoint before the cut-off time will be removed from the race/ stopped to leave the course.
    • Marathon: 7 hrs
    • Marathon (Wheelchair): 2 hrs 10 min
    • 10km run: 2 hrs
    • 10km run (Wheelchair): 40 min
  • The total running field for Tokyo Marathon is 38000, with the following maximum number of entrants allowed for each race:
    • 37500 runners for the Full Marathon
    • 500 runners for the 10km run

Contact Information
Address: Ariake Frontier Building, Tower B, 8F, 3-7-26, Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0063
Phone: +81 3 5500 6677,+81-3-6891-9417 , +81-80-2233-7758

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  1. Hello and Greetings. I have done virtual Tokyo marathon 42.2km (via your recommended Runkeeper app) on 4th March 2022. I am keen to register for the 2024 Tokyo marathon. As the regular registration seems to have closed already, I am keen to participate through Charity/donation. Kindly let me know how I can secure a guaranteed slot for Tokyo marathon 2024 through Charity.
    Many Thanks in advance. Kind Regards, Deepak

    1. Hi Deepak,

      The applications for charity slots are open for the Tokyo Marathon 2024 event (till July 13, 2023) . Only those applicants whose application gets accepted, will get notified by organizers to make the payment and register for the race. Please check more details for charity slots at and detailed schedule for charity slots at

      Regular registration for the 2024 event is not yet open. Please check more details at and

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